--- title: "getting-started" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{getting-started} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- # Intro to ottrpal `ottrpal` contains tools and functions to be used with an [OTTR repository](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template) course. It converts an [OTTR course](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki) (Open-Source Tools for Training Resources) into a files ready for upload to Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): [Coursera](https://www.coursera.org/) and [Leanpub](https://leanpub.com/). - Go to the [main OTTR guide](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki) for how to start creating courses with OTTR. - [Read the ottrpal package documentation here](https://jhudatascience.org/ottrpal/docs/index.html). ## Installing ottrpal: You can install `ottrpal` from CRAN or from GitHub. ## Optional input files: - [a `Book.txt` file](https://leanpub.com/lfm/read#leanpub-auto-booktxt-sampletxt-and-manuscript-files) which lists the order of the chapters/quiz files (this can be autogenerated with `ottrpal`) (see [example file](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/blob/main/manuscript/Book.txt)). - a directory containing quizzes in the form of `.md` files which have been written using the [Markua formatting specifications](https://leanpub.com/markua/read#leanpub-auto-quizzes-and-exercises) (see [example folder](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Quizzes/tree/main/quizzes)). - A TSV file specifying `url`, `chapt_title`, `img_path` See this (https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/blob/main/resources/chapt_screen_images/chapter_urls.tsv). ## Set up an OTTR GitHub repository Follow the [instructions here](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/Start-a-new-course) to set up your own OTTR GitHub repository for a new course. ## Running ottrpal In the base of your OTTR repository, you can run this command to set up a Leanpub version of your course. The `ottrpal` package converts your files using this base function, where `base_url` is where the OTTR course pages are published, the GitHub pages URL. ``` ottrpal::bookdown_to_embed_leanpub(base_url = "https://jhudatascience.org/OTTR_Template/") ``` By default, `ottrpal` will re-run a `bookdown::render_book("index.Rmd")` rendering of your chapters first before converting the files to the Leanpub ready format. However, if you wish to skip this step, you can set `render = FALSE` when running the `ottrpal::bookdown_to_embed_leanpub()` function. ## About the Book.txt file: Leanpub requires a [`Book.txt`](https://leanpub.com/lfm/read#leanpub-auto-booktxt-sampletxt-and-manuscript-files) file to know what order the chapters/quizzes should be published. By default, your `Book.txt` file will _not_ be autogenerated but `ottrpal` will look in your given directory for an existing `Book.txt` file which it will copy over to the output directory. You can create a `Book.txt` file manually, or if your quizzes and chapters are numbered, `ottrpal` can create the `Book.txt` file based on the numbers going from low to high and quizzes following chapters of the same number. (e.g. `quiz_03.md` will be placed after `03-some_chapter_file.Rmd`). To have `ottrpal` attempt to autogenerate this file, set `make_book_txt` to `TRUE`. ``` ottrpal::bookdown_to_embed_leanpub(base_url = "https://jhudatascience.org/OTTR_Template/", make_book_txt = TRUE) ``` If no `Book.txt` file is found and `make_book_txt` is set to `FALSE` (this is the default setting), `ottrpal` will fail. A `ottrpal` autogenerated `Book.txt` file might look something like this: ``` index.Rmd 01-chapter.Rmd quiz_1.md 02-chapter.Rmd quiz_2.md about.Rmd ``` Also note that any `index.Rmd` will always be placed first and any `about.Rmd` file will be placed last. ## Setting up quizzes: By default, ottrpal will look for a folder called `quizzes/` to find your quiz `.md` files. If your quizzes are located somewhere else, you will need to use the `quiz_dir` argument to specify that: ``` ottrpal::bookdown_to_embed_leanpub(base_url = "https://jhudatascience.org/OTTR_Template/", make_book_txt = TRUE, quiz_dir = "some_directory") ``` If you don't have quizzes, you can say `quiz_dir = NULL` to skip all quiz steps. ## About the output files Leanpub's Github writing mode will look for a directory called `manuscript` to publish from. You should not edit the files in `manuscript/` by hand since a re-run of `ottrpal` will cause your changes to be overwritten. ## Adding footer text: If there is text you would like added to the end of each chapter (like a link to a feedback survey for example), you can supply a character string to the `footer_text` argument in the main `ottrpal::bookdown_to_leanpub()` function. ``` # Set up a character string survey_link <- "Please provide any feedback you have by filing a GitHub issue [here](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/issues)" # Supply the footer text in the main function ottrpal::bookdown_to_embed_leanpub(base_url = "https://jhudatascience.org/OTTR_Template/", make_book_txt = TRUE, footer_text = survey_link) ``` ```{r} sessionInfo() ```